Title: Each drabble has its own song title Author: Haru x3 Fandom: HSJ Pairings: 1. DaiRyu 2. TakaYama 3. Okajima 4. RyuShin 5. Chiitaro Rating: PG overall Genre: Fluff Summary: Bunch of random song drabbles that are fluffy A/N: This is Jen posting for Haru~! xD <- Sankyuu xD Well only 5 ish here, next part will be up the next day xD
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Title: Demands Author: Haru x3 Fandom: HS7 Pairing: Chiitaro (friendship), RyuShin Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Summary: Ryutaro spends time with his two favorite people weirdly. A/N: I suck like hell. Happy Birthday to Hammie-chan~. WHY DON'T HAVE ANY DECENT ICONS NOW.